What Type of Coffee Does McDonalds Use?

When McDonalds came out with their McCafe line of coffee drinks they were able to score a major hit. People fell in love right away with the fantastic drinks that they have plus the amazing range of flavours that they have to offer. They have lattes, mochas and cappuccinos from which you can take your pick. They use a unique blend of espresso beans that come out with a good and full bodied flavour that you can really look forward to each morning.

Their drinks are so amazing in fact that people are left wondering as to what type of coffee does McDonalds use for their products. McDonalds get their coffee from Green Mountain Cofee Roasters which is based in Vermont. This is a large company that deals mostly in coffee and they own the brand Keurig. The company specializes in gourmet coffee and is considered to be a very high end brand.

Green Mountain Coffee Roasters uses pure Arabica coffee on all of its blends and they specialize in high end coffee flavours of which there are almost a hundred. The company started small. In 1981 it began as a small café in Vermont that served high quality drinks to the local folks. The drinks that they sold were so good that soon other shops and restaurants were asking to be supplied with the same blend. Seeing the opportunity to make some money from the demand, the founders of the company decided to cash in on the huge demand for their coffee. They started to sell to restaurants, hotels and inns in the area until the company grew to such large proportions and became the giant that it is now today.

It was natural for McDonalds to tap into the experience and knowledge that Green Mountain Coffee Roasters for their coffee. It is such a perfect combination, the number one fast food chain in the world and the best coffee roaster.

There has been a great amount of speculation that has been on-going over the type of coffee beans that the fast food giant uses for its coffee. People wanted to know about that so they can find where they can get hold of the same type of beans and make the same kind of drink in the comfort of their own home. The problem is that the beans have been exclusively roasted and packed by Green Mountain Coffee Roasters for McDonalds they can not sell the same thing as their own product outside of the stores. They do have some agreement with McDonalds about roasting and packaging the beans exclusively for the fast food company so if you really want to enjoy the unique blend by getting the beans then you can try it McDonalds.

The high quality coffee and the quality process that it undergoes is just one of the reasons why coffee from McDonalds can be compared with the best in the world. Indeed more and more people are going to enjoy rather than to grab a bite to eat.