Timothy’s K Cups – Great Coffee Instantly

Timothy’s k cups are the coffee cups that you use to put into your Keurig coffee machine. The Timothy’s k cup is one of Keurig coffee pods style, that is manufactured and made by Timothy’s Coffees of the World Inc. But before we get into the specifics of the different flavors and such of Timothy’s k cups, let’s take just a moment to talk about the parent company that manufacturers the Timothy’s k cups, which is as mentioned earlier Timothy’s Coffees.

Timothy’s is a Canadian company that was founded in 1975 and is based in Toronto, Canada. Timothy’s produces a variety of coffee and tea products under a variety of different packaging and brand names. Timothy’s owns or is in partnership with Caribou Coffee, Newman’s Own Organics coffee, Green Mountain Coffee and Tully’s coffee. Timothy’s uses only Arabica beans that they purchase from a variety of sources and are committed to sourcing fair trade and sustainable products as much as possible. Also, they roast their own beans in their roasting plant in Toronto, Canada, thus ensuring consistent quality across their product lines. They serve over 100 million cups of coffee across North America every year.

Your many choices of Timothy’s K Cups

The other great thing about Timothy’s k cups is the absolute variety that they have to offer. We’ll spend some time looking at the options available to you if you’re thinking of trying out Timothy’s coffee k cups for your Keurig coffee maker.

As mentioned earlier, there is great variety in the Timothy’s k cups line up. But not only can you get coffee k cups, you can also get hot cocoa k cups, hot tea k cups and iced tea k cups. Let’s visit them one at a time.

Timothy’s k cups come in over 26 different flavors or roasts as of this writing. Of course you have the traditional k cups like Timothy’s decaf k cups, Timothy’s Italian blend k cups and of course Timothy’s rainforest espresso k cup. But there are also some exotic flavored Timothy’s k cups that sound very tempting and that you might want to try.

How about Timothy’s Kahlua original k cup or Timothy’s mocha java k cup. And as mentioned earlier, Timothy’s is making attempts to become more environmentally sound and sustainable and with that in mind they have a few offerings that you’d be interested in if you are looking at supporting Fair Trade and/or organic coffee production. You have your choice of Timothy’s Nicaraguan Fair Trade organic k cup or Timothy’s Fair Trade Colombian dorado k cup.

Timothy’s also produces a few kinds for Emeril the chef. These k cups get great recommendations from many people who have tried them. Emeril’s most popular one is Emeril’s big easy bold k cup for those of you who like a strong coffee.

Non coffee Timothy’s K Cups

In the hot cocoa line up you have several choices too, one of the most popular being Timothy’s white hot chocolate k cups but it is also available as a dark chocolate hot cocoa k cup too. And another exotic option is the chai latte k cup that has received rave reviews.

In the Timothy’s tea k cups you have all the usual suspects that you would suspect and they are offered under the Celestial Seasonings line up. There is chai, Early Grey, black, chamomile and of course green tea too. The iced tea offerings are quite good too. All of them are based on black tea however, and it would be nice to have a herbal or green tea iced tea option. But what you do have is quite a variety, from plain sweetened iced black tea k cups to sweet raspberry iced tea k cup and of course the classic unsweetened iced black tea k cup.

So if you are looking to expand the variety and options for your Keurig k cup brewer, then I’d say take a look at the Timothy’s k cups. There is a ton of options there and not just in coffee either. Best of all you can enjoy a personal cup of your favorite coffee or tea beverage for under fifty cents a k cup. Not bad for really good coffee. And best of all, you don’t have to worry about beans and at what coffee grind fineness you need to set them at. It’s all done for you. Yippee and hooray for Timothy’s K Cups!