Saeco Coffee Machines

Talking about a wide variety of coffee machines would be remiss if we didn’t include Saeco coffee machines. So this article is going to be all about the Saeco brand of coffee machines.

Saeco is an Italian company with a relatively recent founding. Founded in 1981, they have quickly become one of the preeminent coffee machine makers in the world. I was surprised at how recent their entry into the coffee market was, considering the panache that their brand carries. Perhaps it was because Saeco came out of the gates pretty strong. In 1985, just a few short years after they were born, they introduced the first automatic espresso machine for domestic use. From bean to coffee machine.

As we’ve been speaking about in this blog for some time, the name Philips and Senseo keep coming up. This is no exception when it comes to the Saeco coffee machine. In 2009, Philips made a bid to purchase the Saeco company from its founders, Sergio Zappella and Arthur Schmed.

Features of Saeco coffee machines

Let’s take a look at some of the great innovative features that Saeco coffee machines has introduced into their coffee and espresso machines just in this past decade. There are quite a few great new features that we as consumers can now enjoy thanks in large part to Saeco. And of course if you have a Saeco coffee machine then you’ll enjoy many of these features as standard depending on the model you buy.

In 2001, Saeco introduced the Incanto line which was the smallest domestic coffee maker at the time. In 2003 they introduced the Saeco Brewing System or SBS, which allowed you to vary the crema on your espresso according to personal taste just by turning a nifty little knob. In 2004 Saeco introduces the first fully automated coffee machine that has a touch screen interface.

In 2006 Saeco ramps up production with two new lines that really and delectably push the envelope on coffee machine design. These two lines are known as the Primea line and the Talea line respectively. in 2007, keeping in touch with their design they stay the course but introduce a more compact coffee maker under the Odea line.

Additional features of Saeco coffee machines

Also introduced in 2007 is the Saeco Adapting System which after just a few brewed cups of coffee the machine figures out how much to grind from any type of bean roast for the specific size cup. In 2008 Saeco introduces the XSmall line which is their smallest line of Saeco espresso machines to date. They also bring out Energy Save with automatic standby this ensures that their coffee machines use less than 1 W/h.

2009 introduces the Syntia line with 3 color icon display making brewing espresso a snap. Xelsis line is also introduced with one touch functionality on their touch screen interface. And my favorite feature to date came in 2010 when Saeco introduces Digital ID on the Xelsis which allows for one touch personal brewing with finger print technology. Now more than one user’s profile can be uploaded into the machine and with just your finger you can brew your perfect cup every time. Now that’s pretty cool! This is why Saeco coffee machines are so popular.

Now the Saeco Xelsis Super Espresso Maker is not a cheap machine. But for the connoisseur it is a terrific hands free option to making that perfect cappuccino or latte or just espresso every single time. I haven’t been able to afford one yet, but you better believe it’s on my wish list :O)

But I do have one of the Saeco coffee machines. I splurged on the Saeco 4045 Vienna Plus. All I can say is ce magnifique. And of course, why don’t you have one of the Saeco coffee machines.