So as you can probably tell, I’m getting into a bit of a habit of talking about Philips Senseo coffee pods or just good ol’ fashioned Senseo coffee pods. But I just wanted to clear up one little misunderstanding I guess. Philips has partnered up with Sara Lee which owns Senseo to make the Senseo coffee makers that you need (or should have) for the Senseo coffee pods.
So when I talk about Philips Senseo coffee pods, I’m really talking about Senseo coffee. Now that isn’t really what this article is about. I was just enjoying a cup of Senseo Paris coffee from their Senseo Paris French Vanilla Caramel coffee pod. Quite a mouthful, but absolutely delicious.
Flavored Philips Senseo Coffee Pods
Now I have to confess that I’m not normally a flavored coffee kind of guy. But I really like this Senseo coffee as an after dinner desert almost! Though I can imagine having it and many times during the day. Now I have one small gripe with this flavor of the Senseo coffee, and that is that the flavor is artificial. But then again so are all of the flavored coffees that Senseo offers.
Not a huge deal, though honestly I do prefer natural flavorings in my food and coffee and other drinks if I can find them. Though in all honesty, the Senseo Paris coffee flavor is pretty natural tasting and not overly sweet. At least not for me. Then again, I’ve been known to have a sweet tooth on occasion.
My preferred Philips Senseo Coffee Pods
I’ll be trying the other flavors as I can get around to it. Though I’ve been enjoying the Philips Senseo Coffee pods dark roast flavor the most. But that’s just me. I like my coffee dark and well roasted. I just feel that you get a better flavor profile from it that way. Though others would argue that the coffee is burnt. And it can end up that way. That’s why you should roast your own beans for absolute coffee flavor batch control. I joke, I joke. Though I have done it and it is quite fun. We’ll get to that another day.
Some of you might think that this whole Senseo coffee pod nonesense is eitehr for coffee snobs or it’s too expensive for regular Maxwell House coffee lovers. And let me first say that they make a good coffee.
But you’re wrong on both counts. I don’t think the Philips Senseo coffee pods are for coffee snobs and I think you’ll find the prices are pretty reasonable. The Senseo coffee maker for example can be had for around the same price as a regular coffee maker. And the Senseo Paris coffee pods can make a cup of coffee for around $0.50 or less.
Not bad for what I consider a damn good cup of coffee. Good to the last drop… as I finish up my cup of Senseo Paris coffee. Bottoms up! Find the Philips Senseo Coffee Pods you enjoy and drink with abandon.