Keurig Coffee Pods – The Leader of the Pack?

Time for some more coffee klatch, this time on Keurig coffee pods. Many people are familiar with this brand. I’d be hard pressed to guess if more folks were aware of the Keurig coffee pod or the Senseo coffee pod. If pushed to make a decision, I’d say that the Keurig single cup coffee maker outsells the other brands. Probably by not much. But that’s just me speculatin’.

As I like to do when introduce something that might be new to some of us coffee lovers I’d like to take a minute to explain what Keurig coffee pods are. These are also known as K cup coffees. The K cup is the proprietary method that Keurig uses to product their coffee pods. The K cups coffee pods look like large single creamers. They are airtight mini-brewers that lock out light, moisture and humidity while trapping the flavor and freshness of the coffee itself.

A Keurig coffee brewer or K cup brewers in general are single serve coffee makers that make one cup or mug at a time. It’s a great system. If you’ve read my post about Senseo coffee makers then you know just how tasty this cup of coffee can be.

Benefits of using Keurig coffee pods

The nice thing about a coffee maker K cup style is that you can have tea and hot chocolate too. You’re not just stuck with coffee. This makes the Keurig coffee maker a great family addition because everyone, from the hot chocoholic to the tea lover, can be satisfied.

These Keurig coffee pods come in a wide variety of flavors, thanks in small part from the efforts of Keurig to license this technology to a variety of coffee, tea and hot chocolate companies. This includes: Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Caribou Coffee, Celestial Seasonings, Newman’s Own, Van Houtte, Timothy’s World Coffee, Bigelow Tea Company, Twinings, Coffee People and Tully’s amongst others.

Different types of Keurig coffee pods

Newman’s Own K pods are particular tasty with deep rich flavor profiles. Though to be fair most of the companies that license these K cups make at least a couple of decent roasts that most of us will find enjoyable for our tastes.

Single cup coffee brewers like those that use the Keurig coffee pods are super handy to have around the house, especially for when you have guests. The Keurig coffee maker will make a very nice cup of coffee in under a minute. So if you have lets say 6 guests over, then everyone can have their very own flavor of coffee, a fresh cup, brewed in a total of less than 10 minutes including clean up.

How convenient is that? The Keurig brewer is not a cheap machine, but it is a premium coffee maker and you have to bear that in mind. If you are looking for a nice second coffee brewer or even your first I don’t think you can go wrong with the Keurig single cup coffee machine. And the coffee is not that expensive. Even Newman’s Own organic special blend K cup can be enjoyed for quite a bit less than a buck a cup.

Now that’s something to make you smile. Enjoy your Keurig coffee pods today!