Today we talk about the French press coffee maker because I love French press coffee. We’ll also discuss which French press coffee maker is best and look at some options for those of you who are buying your first or thirty first French press coffee pot. The French press coffee maker has a long and storied history and has been in use since the late 1800’s. To the best of our knowledge it was invented in France and that is why we call it the French press pot, or French press. It has other names like press pot, coffee press, cafetiere which is mostly used in the UK and of course the French word for the French coffee press which is cafetiere a piston, which tells you exactly what the coffee press really is.
So that’s a short history of the French press coffee maker. It is in my humble opinion one of the most authentic ways to enjoy a new batch of coffee beans that you have never before tried. As I’ve mentioned elsewhere, all of the oils are retained in the coffee and not trapped by the paper filters as they are in the drip coffee makers most common in households nowadays. And as you know friends, it is the coffee oils which really impart a substantial amount of the subtleties inherent in the coffee bean’s flavor profile.
If you’ve come here to find out how to make coffee with a French press then please follow that link. I’m not going to speak much more about the methods of brewing French press coffee as I consider this report to be more along the lines of other French press coffee maker reviews. So with that being said, let’s turn now to look at some of the options for choosing your best French coffee maker. I’m limiting myself to home use French press coffee makers rather than a French press mug or French press travel cup or the smaller French presses like the 1 cup French press. These presses being for home use will be at least a 3 cup coffee press but most commonly the 8 cup coffee press. However, it is not so much the size that is important here but rather the niche. And that being the French press coffee maker for home use.
The best French press coffee maker
My favorite French press coffee maker happens to the stainless steel French press coffee maker. The one that you can see in the image to the left is the Frieling French press. You can click here to buy it or to see it in further detail at Amazon. A Frieling coffee press in my opinion is the best French press coffee maker out there. You’ll pay a little more than other brands, but you’re buying something that will last you a life time. It is made of 18/10 gauge stainless steel so it is incredibly durable and it is double walled to keep hot coffee hotter longer and iced coffee (or tea for that matter) colder longer. The coffee plunger is all stainless steel and the mesh filter is carefully tailored to avoid any stray edges that might nick or poke you when cleaning. And if you don’t fancy cleaning it by hand then feel free to clean it in the dishwasher, all parts are dishwasher safe.
I’ve decided to limit this French press coffee maker review to only the stainless steel French press. I prefer them and you don’t have to worry about breaking any glass carafes. Now having said that, I do own a couple of glass French presses and I’ve been very happy with them and they are cheaper. But we’re talking about the best French press coffee maker and I just believe that the metal French press coffee makers are better overall.
Another great French press coffee maker
My second favorite French press coffee maker comes from the distinguished line of Bodum coffee makers. For many of us, Bodum has become synonymous with the French press in many circles. The image to your left is of the Bodum Colombia 8 cup stainless steel thermal press pot. Check it out in more detail at Amazon by clicking here. It holds 34 ounces whereas the Frieling holds 33 ounces. None of these are really 8 cup French press coffee makers in my opinion, nevertheless you could serve 4, I’ll give you that. This Bodum French press coffee maker is a little cheaper than the Frieling stainless steel French press and it too is dishwasher safe. Personally I prefer the elegeance in the Frieling and the slightly better workmanship in the fit and finish of the Frieling. But this too should be considered an excellent choice for a coffee press pot.
Last up, and last for a reason, is the Bonjour 8 cup Montano French press. Click here to visit it at Amazon. It too is a double walled stainless steel French press coffee maker and has a terrific design. I find it the most intriguing of the the 3 French presses on display today. However, a few folks have complained that the lid does not fit as tightly as it should and that this French press coffee maker has a tendency to leak when you pour it a little too fast. However, it has great overall views and if you like the design it is a French press coffee maker to consider. It also includes a filtering lid for extra filtering of the coffee sediment that isn’t trapped by the plunger, and a lot of folks like this idea. This Bonjour French press also has what they call the Bonjour flavor lock filter system which with the turn of the lid’s knob closes the filter off from the coffee grounds, thereby allegedly preventing stronger steeping which in French press coffee can extract some bitter elements. I’m sure this works to a degree, but I am skeptical of it being perfect. Nevertheless it is a neat idea and many people like it.
There you have the top 3 French press coffee makers for you to consider. I’ve listed them with the best French press coffee maker first and that’s just my opinion, which is as my wife likes to say worth about as much as the lint in my pocket 😉