DeLonghi BAR32 Espresso Maker Review

DeLonghi BAR32

I think small is beautiful and I can say that about this DeLonghi BAR32 espresso maker. In this DeLonghi BAR32 review we’ll take a look at this, one of the smallest espresso makers made by DeLonghi and I’d dare say one of the smallest pump driven espresso machines on the market today. And for a pump driven espresso maker this DeLonghi BAR 32 is cheap. I haven’t found an espresso machine much cheaper. But is it good. Aye, there’s the rub. Let’s take a look.

As I’ve mentioned before on this blog, if you’re going to be making espresso and lattes and other coffee beverages from the comfort of your own home you should invest in one of the pump driven espresso machines on the market. They just do a better job at extracting the full coffee flavor from your beans. Now a steam driven espresso machine will do the job and will save you some money. In fact I still have a steam driven espresso maker, but if you can spring an extra 50 bucks or so, do yourself a favor and get a pump driven machine. You’ll thank yourself for it.

Something else to look at when you’re buying a pump driven espresso machine whether DeLonghi espresso makers or others is to try and get at least 12 bars of pressure. The more pressure the pump can deliver the better the flavor extraction from your espresso coffee beans. 12 to 15 bars of pressure is decent and the BAR32 comes with 15 bars of pressure so it’s right in my sweet wheelhouse.

Here are some of the many features of the DeLonghi BAR32 espresso machine:

  • Stylish retro look pump driven machine with ample 35 ounce reservoir
  • The oversized coffee portafilter and drip tray allows for demitasse or even mugs
  • DeLonghi’s patented portafilter allows your choice of espresso beans or ESE espresso pods
  • When using ground espresso, the patented Sempre Crema Filter produces amazing crema
  • Jet frother swivels to easily and completely froth velvety smooth milk

The small size of this DeLonghi espresso maker is also terrifically stylish so it can find a  home in any small kitchen space. Plus it can be put away in a cupboard for easy storage. If you only need a small espresso machine, then this DeLonghi pump driven espresso maker is worth a look. Portafilter and drip tray are easy to clean and the ample reservoir allow for several espresso beverages before being refilled. The reservoir is also easily detached for ease of filling.

Here’s what one satisfied customer had to say about their DeLonghi BAR32:

Review shortened for space – Click here for full review

This machine makes superb and beautiful espresso… you can make your espresso as strong or as weak (that defies logic!) as you prefer. The controls are simple, yet efficient. The milk frothing nozzle is superior to any I have ever used. I am delighted with this DeLonghi Espresso Maker and recommend it highly. – G. Munn