Buying And Using A Coffee Press Cup

As I write this, it looks like winter has arrived so what better to talk about than the coffee press cup. I’ve written fairly extensively before about the coffee cup press and the joys of enjoy French press coffee. But it seems that there is always extra things to say about a coffee press. Most of us I know have a coffee press whether it is a coffee press 12 cup unit or just a small coffee press one cup. Now personally I have both, but I think the most common types out there are the larger units like the 8 cup coffee press. Coffee is after all a social experience, whether we’re using coffee pods, automatic espresso machines or grind and brew coffee makers, we’re usually enjoying this elixir with friends. This is one of the reasons why I think Starbucks and other coffee franchises have become so big. Coffee is so social.

The coffee press cup I recommend

But today we’re going to be just an itsy bitsy bit selfish. We are talking about the coffee press cup after all and that is usually a one cup coffee press. A healthy 16 ounce coffee press but a single serving coffee press to be sure. This is also known as a French press travel mug and the picture to the left is of the kind I have. It is available at Amazon for around $30 to $40 but honestly it will last you a lifetime. I still haven’t had to change my filter screen, though that is to be expected over time.

As you can see, the one I have is a stainless coffee press and a 1 cup French press. I’m a big fan of the stainless steel coffee press over the plastic coffee press. The reason being, is that there was that scare a few years back about BPA in plastics causing harm. I don’t think you can buy plastics that are used for storing food anymore that contain BPA, but you never know what else might be leaching into the hot liquids. I don’t mind plastic water bottles, but my hot liquids and especially for my coffee I prefer my stainless steel French press.

Additional benefits of a coffee press cup

Using a French press mug in my opinion is a great way to enjoy excellent coffee any time of the day. I’ll start my day with my own home brewed, home roasted coffee beans that I use as a coarse coffee grind for my French press. Then I’ll grab that for the bus ride into work. Then during my coffee break I would have already rinsed out my coffee press cup and I’ll just have it refilled with the dark roast of the day at my favorite local coffee shop. That way I’m also saving around 25 cents on my cup of coffee. My coffee shop franchise offers a 25 cent discount on bringing in my own coffee press cup or other reusable mug. This is so much better than using disposable coffee cups or those paper coffee cups.

So I hope this has been helpful. If you have never tried French press coffee then you’re in for a treat. Just follow that link where I talk all about French press coffee. Personally, I have both a coffee press cup for traveling around and a coffee press 8 cup for when I have guests. I also always use a French press to taste test any coffee bean that I have never had before. That way you can enjoy the full and subtle flavors that each new bag of coffee beans has to offer.