I’ve been using coffee pods quite a bit lately if you’ve been following my blog. I’ve been using the Senseo coffee pods which come in a whole bunch of great flavors. I haven’t tried them all. Who has the time! But I hope to try more and more as time goes by. I also want to try different coffee brands coffee pod. Let them go head to head.
I’ll keep you posted on that as time goes by and my banker (wife!) let’s me buy new coffee makers and other such paraphernalia that I’ll need to conduct “scientific” research on all the different styles of single serve coffee pods out there. Though to give you the complete story, you can also get pod coffee makers that will give you 2 or more cups of yummy coffee goodness. Though testing all the different varieties out will stretch my budget too thin. At least for now.
Back to the Coffee Pods
Okay, seems I have a tendency of getting ahead of myself. Sometimes I just get excited talking about coffee. Some of you to my blog might not know what coffee pod coffee is. And I want this blog to be inclusive. Bearing that in mind, please contact me if I’m getting ahead of you anywhere and you need me to do some ‘splaning!
Coffee pods work pretty much the same as espresso pods if you’re familiar with those. However they use less pressure to push the water through the pod and they obviously use more water to giver you a cup of coffee rather than an espresso.
A brief history of the Coffee Pods
Senseo which is a coffee maker owned by Sara Lee first patented the coffee pod. Sadly for them, lucky for us I guess, that patent was overturned so you now have a large variety of coffee pods and coffee pod makers to choose from. The coffee pod is basically a compact, round teabag-looking pod or pouch that holds sufficient coffee for one or more servings. It is a very hand way of making coffee without having to grind coffee, deal with the wet and messy filter after wards, and they give a really nice, rich and robust flavor of coffee. At least the coffee pods from Senseo that I’ve tried so far.
In many areas in Europe, the word pad is used so if I speak of or you hear others using the term coffee pod or coffee pad we are really talking about the same thing.
Something to bear in mind with this type of coffee is that many coffee pod manufacturers make coffee pods that fit in the various coffee pod machines that are out there. So you aren’t stuck with the brand name coffee pod of the coffee pod maker you bought. This is good to know. My best advice though, is to try the recommended brand first. It is often though not always worthwhile spending the few extra bucks for the brand name coffee pads rather than a more generic brand. But only your taste buds will tell. Listen to them, they won’t lead you astray!
Many of the more popular brands make coffee pods, you’ll find for example Tassimo coffee pods and Illy coffee pods and as mentioned before, espresso coffee pods too. And many times these coffee pods will fit in your coffee machine if it is set up to take coffee pods.
Okay, so that was a quick intro to coffee pads. I’ve got a feeling I’ll be posting more about them, because I felt like we just scratched the surface. Let me know if you’d like to hear more about this. I could easily write a couple more posts. But only if you want me to. I don’t want to impose ;O) But if you insist, there’s much more I could write about coffee pods.